Category Archives: Project

Brian Bortnick … searching for answers

bdbBrian David Bortnick

August 2009
Mixed and mastered 5 song CD “searching for answers…”

Audio: “searching for answers…” Medley

1. Heaven’s Treasure
2. Confessions
3. Kingdom Come
4. The One
5. Out On the Water

Brian had tracked most of this CD at Echo Studios (I think) and had me finish it up by tracking keyboards and some additional vocals. Also one guitar part was redone. All of the projects were in Digital Performer 6 and I had never set eyes on DP before. I learned the program to do the recording as well as the final mix. Once I thought I was there, Brian pushed me farther to have some fun doing things that I would have (maybe) never done live.

Xtension Party Mastering

xtension-partyXtension Party

July 2009
Mastered 14 song CD

1. I Love Blue
2. Normal Man
3. Eastern Bloc
4. Workin Man Graveyard
5. She’s No Good
6. Do You Up
7. Bustin’ Britches Bert
8. Jam
9. This Is Love
10. Touching Eyes
11. Louisiana
12. Nervous Passenger
13. Urban Mouse
14. Harmony Rainbow

Took the mixes that my brother Tom did on his portable recording unit and mastered into some excitement and volume (Loud Wars). The excitement brought out a bit of the recordings that were already harsh. I would have liked a complete remix before this mastering job, but up against time and a desire to save money on the project it was done real quick. As I recall, a while you wait type of deal.

FOSTERCHILD 4 song demo


April 2009
Engineered 4 song demo

1. After the Fire
2. Only Time Can Tell
3. Deaf and Speechless
4. Concrete Savior

This is the experience as covered on the “About” page. Soundcraft Series Two direct outs via a MOTU 24io into a PC running Cubase SX3. Because of edits and the software, I had to bounce out track by track in real time (it seems) in order to send these tracks to the producer who mixed these tracks. I landed a lot of airplanes. ‘course I had a whack at some mixes too. This session’s “After the Fire” is the backing track to Fosterchild’s “After the Fire” video, so tracked at WombatStudio.Org and mixed by Jim Ebert.